² 联系方式
邮箱:18078823243@163.com 电话:18078823243
² 教育背景
山东大学(国内 211,985 院校)
理学学士(化学) 2008-2012
昆士兰大学(全球前 10%的高校)The University of Queensland
博士 2013-2017
² 工作经历
仲恺青年学者 专任教师 2021.11 至今
中国科学院长春应用化学研究所, 电分析化学国家重点实验室
助理研究员 2017.7-2021.8
² 研究(课题)方向
1. 锂硫电池正极材料的合成,结构分析及其性能测试(Synthesis of cathode
material for lithium sulfur battery, characterization analysis and electrochemical test of active materials)
2. 多孔材料在锂硫正极材料中的应用 (Optimization of electrochemical
performance of lithium sulfur battery with porous carbon materials)
3. 锂硫电池中电解液及粘结剂的改进与应用(Improvements of electrolytes and
binders for lithium sulfur battery)
1. 设计电池原位检测装置,改进检测仪器(Design in-situ and operando modelling
of batteries, improve in-situ and operando characterization methods)
2. 金属锂负极、硅负极及硫正极材料的设计与合成(Design and synthesize
electrode material as Silicon anode or sulfur cathode)
3. 量子点的制备与合成(Design and synthesize Quantum dots)
4. 生物质材料碳化修饰用于电极材料优化(Carbonization and modification of
biomass materials for electrode material optimization)
² 奖学金
UQI Scholarship 2014-2017
Arlo D. Harris Travel Scholarship 2015
Graduate School International Travel Award (GSITA) 2015
² 文章
1. Xiaoyan Ren; Qi Sun; You-Liang Zhu; Wenbo Sun; Yang Li*; Lehui Lu*; Unveiling the role of hydroxyl architecture on polysulfide trapping forhigh-performance lithiumsulfur batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials,2020, 3: 4023-4032.
2. Qingcong (Ray) Zeng(#), Yang Li (#), Kuang-Hsu Wu, Ning Huang, Sasanka Dalapati, Bing-Jian Su, Lin-Yun Jang, Ian R. Gentle, Donglin Jiang*, Da-Wei Wang*, Long-chain solid organic polysulfide cathode for high-capacity secondary lithium batteries, Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 12, 30-36
3. Yang Li (#), Qingcong (Ray) Zeng(#), Ian R. Gentle*, Da-Wei Wang*, Carboxymethyl cellulose binders enable high-rate capability of sulfurized polyacrylonitrile cathodes for Li–S batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 546-5465.
4. Yang Li, Qingcong Zeng, Ian R. Gentle, Da-Wei Wang*, “Soft” graphene oxideorganic polysulfide nanocomposites for superiorpseudocapacitive lithium storage, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2017.09.063.
5. Kuang-Hsu Wu (#), Da-Wei Wang,Qingcong Zeng, Yang Li, Ian Gentle*, Solution phase synthesis of halogenated graphene and the electrocatalyticactivity for oxygen reduction reaction, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 35,884–89.
6. Qingcong (Ray) Zeng (#), Da-Wei Wang,* Kuang-Hsu Wu, Yang Li, Fernanda Condide Godoi, Ian R. Gentle*, Synergy of nanoconfinement and surface oxygen in recrystallization of sulfur melt in carbon nanocapsules and the related Li–S cathode properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 6439–6447.
² 项目情况
1. 广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目,基于多维原位检测体系同步追踪优化硅硫电池全电池循环体系,5 万元,主持(2023 年)
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,22004115,基于耗散型石英晶体微天平技术的金属锂负极界面电化学行为原位监测,2021.01-2023.12,24 万元,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21874127,原位荧光光谱技术的构建及其在实时追踪锂离子电池衰减中的应用研究,2019.01-2022.12,65 万元,在研,参加
² 专利
1. Da-Wei Wang (supervisor), Ian R. Gentle (co-supervisor), Yang Li, Qingcong (Ray) Zeng;Method of Preparing Cathode Material for a Battery,Application number:
PCT/CN2015/098194; Publication Number: WO/2017/108040
2. 逯乐慧(课题组长),李扬,任晓燕,孙琪;用于电化学石英晶体微天平与荧光光谱联用的原位电化学池,2020-12-01,中国,ZL202010306107.4.(已授权)
3. 逯乐慧(课题组长),李扬,孙琪,任晓燕,姜春环;用于荧光共聚焦与拉曼光谱测试的多功能原位在线检测电化学池,中国,202110135714.3(申请中)
² 科研能力
具有扎实的基础化学理论功底和熟练的实验技能。熟练操作粉末 X 射线衍射仪(XRD),
谱仪(UV-vis),扫描电子显微镜(SEM),透射电子显微镜(TEM),ICP 测试,Raman 测
熟练掌握办公软件 office,Origin, AI,4D cinema 及 Photoshop.
² 英语
雅思考试 IELTES test
Overall |
Listening |
Reading |
Writing |
Speaking |
6.5 |
6.5 |
6.5 |
6.0 |
6.0 |